US Army Basic Training
Private group
1 member
$8 /month
The #1 Community for future soldiers preparing for US Army Basic Training.
Join this group and connect with others who are going, and who have been there, to get all your questions answered so you can be as prepared as possible.
This is a paid group to keep out the spam and to ensure you get quality answers to your questions.
At 100 Members, we will initiate group calls to get questions answered in real-time!
ASVAB, Fitness, Knowledge, and many other courses coming soon! Our team is working hard to get these delivered ASAP!
Join the community today!
Are you an Army Veteran interested in contributing as a moderator? Join and send the admin a message!
US Army Basic Training
The #1 Community for future soldiers of the US Army. Get fitness, ASVAB, and preparation tips for joining and completing US Army Basic Training.
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